Tag Archives: retreat

A boy, his cross, and his intercessor.

“Always carry a cross!” The monk instructed him, “Never go anywhere without it. Never do anything without signing it with the cross first: sitting down, laying down, opening a drink, anything!” With that, he promptly signed the cross where the two of them would sit…

Little did the youth know how the story would become real…

Continue reading A boy, his cross, and his intercessor.

A monastery, a monk, and a heart: paradigm shift on holiness.


A youth finds himself in the monastery of the great Saint Antony. It’s not a normal occurrence, as this youth tends to dislike monasteries. It’s not that he has anything against monks or monasteries themselves, but rather that he finds them remarkably boring.
Continue reading A monastery, a monk, and a heart: paradigm shift on holiness.