Tag Archives: fasting

Not feeling it: physicality of fasting

Audio can be found here.

It seems like last Lent was just yesterday, but also so long ago. It was our first Covid-lent. Since then, everything seems to be defined as pre- and post-Covid. I know there’s content out there about this, and previous blogs on the matter as well, but it seems like a good time to talk about fasting again, specifically the physical side of it. It’s something that seems to be falling out of fashion, and I think that that’s…well, sad. Continue reading Not feeling it: physicality of fasting

On steak and stumbling blocks


The Situation: You and many of your friends are out to eat during one of the church fasts at Restaurant ABC. You, being the lazy spiritual one have decided not to start fasting yet and will postpone for another week. As all of you order your food and it finally arrives, you begin to eat.

All of your friends have ordered some non-dairy, non-meat item on the item. But, you are currently enjoying that nice 10 oz. new york, rib-eye cut steak. As Tiny Tim, sits next to you looking down at his plate of guacamole, rice, and black beans, his stomach aches for just a sliver of the fat from the steak.
Continue reading On steak and stumbling blocks

Dude, what’s up with this fasting stuff?


Sometimes I fast, but I get nothing out of it. I don’t understand how having a bunch of dietary restrictions actually helps me with anything, and I’m not really sure what the point is in general. Wuzzup, yo?! It does nothing and doesn’t really affect my relationship with God. Why do you guys make food sound evil!

Continue reading Dude, what’s up with this fasting stuff?