Tag Archives: discernment

Cold-blooded murder: are you afraid of the truth?

The Truth is not afraid of discovery, because it helps us inform us more about God.

Last Friday you find out from watching the news that Hany Shenouda, prominent steward of the Service (amin el khidma) at your church, is found guilty of the murder of Hermonia Grangeria in an alley near his house. To most people in the church, he has only been an image of piety. He’s at every church service, he’s the go-to deacon for mid-week anything, and he’s at every tasbeha/psalmody every week. He taught you how to make korban. He taught the kids Sunday School. Everything about him points to, “this guy is clergy material.”
Continue reading Cold-blooded murder: are you afraid of the truth?

Heaven is for Real: the Sceptic, the Faithful, the in-betweeners

How do we deal with miracles? Some of us love them, some of us run from them….What to do?

This post is a discussion of miracles and the supernatural based on the movie “Heaven is for Real”

Continue reading Heaven is for Real: the Sceptic, the Faithful, the in-betweeners