Tag Archives: coptic

Sleeping with headphones on

Some nights I go to bed with headphones on. I’ll play some songs that I love, songs that take me places that only music can. I’m a musical guy, so music speaks to my soul the way art might for others. Some songs, the moment I hear them, take me to specific memories, or specific events, or a specific period of time. I know certain albums take me back to grade 12 finals studying. Other songs take me to the streets of Minya, Egypt.

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Divisive language in the church

Clearly. Obviously. Of course. Definitely. Naturally. Absolutely. Exactly. Never. Always. False. Fake. Authentic. Leftist. Rightist. Far right. Far left.

For those who prefer audio, the link can be found here. I recommend that as it flows better and is followed by a Q&A!

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Let’s repent

It’s the season of repentance. Of course, all year long, every moment and every day is a season for repentance, but it’s time for spiritual ICU. These next 55 days should be marked by a real intentionality of improved health. We don’t do vows and stuff, but what New Years resolutions are to secularity, Lent is to spirituality.

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