Category Archives: Doubt.

A series discussing doubt, and how to deal with it.

On the importance of balanced critical thinking


Q: I feel like I’m not encouraged to use my mind in our culture at Church. I get the sense that if I question things, I’m seen as being heretical or something, and that I am doing something wrong. If it’s so wrong to think critically, then why did God even give us a mind?
– Frustrated

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Is your Christianity making people atheist?

Let’s not put our heads in the sand. The Atheist movement is growing. For many, this is a source of fear or anxiety, for others, it’s contemptuous. Yet, others are seeking the truth and wondering if there is truth in this godlessness. The methods used for propagating atheism are now in many cases beginning to resemble how Christians preach. A friend of mine sent me an article from Time Magazine about a dude who left religion. The person is not really attacking Christianity or religion directly, rather he speaks of the benefits he believes he has received in leaving.
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Letter to a friend: Dear haters, hating doesn’t answer anything.


Haters vs other Haters, Atheists vs. Christians, Evolution vs Creation, Science vs. Religion…why the drama? This posting is based on a dialogue with someone sceptical of aspects of Christianity who watched a video of Christians making fools of atheists for their ignorance of science…This post discusses issues of: science vs religion, ridiculing one another, the place of the Bible in all of this, and whether or not pointing out how stupid everyone is, is actually helpful.

Continue reading Letter to a friend: Dear haters, hating doesn’t answer anything.

Cold-blooded murder: are you afraid of the truth?

The Truth is not afraid of discovery, because it helps us inform us more about God.

Last Friday you find out from watching the news that Hany Shenouda, prominent steward of the Service (amin el khidma) at your church, is found guilty of the murder of Hermonia Grangeria in an alley near his house. To most people in the church, he has only been an image of piety. He’s at every church service, he’s the go-to deacon for mid-week anything, and he’s at every tasbeha/psalmody every week. He taught you how to make korban. He taught the kids Sunday School. Everything about him points to, “this guy is clergy material.”
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1. Introduction

If you were born anywhere from the 1980s on, it is almost impossible to believe that you never met an atheist in your life. It is also difficult to believe that there has never been a time in your life where you experienced some doubts of your own. These doubts may be about the church and/or her authority, about the truths of the Bible, or even, for some of us, the very existence of God.

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